Monday, February 16, 2015

Pro Con Baby: A Look Back

A close male coworker friend of mine confided in me that he and his wife were 'starting to kind of think about maybe having a baby.' This is great! They'd make wonderful parents and I told him not to think to hard about it. If anyone logically thought about it, they wouldn't do it. It is a sacrifice. Loads of work but also incredible joy.

It is funny of me to say not to over think something as it is my nature to do just that but until you are a parent, you don't understand it. It looks hard but fun at times. Seems life changing but difficult to gauge how much. Etc. So I thought I'd share on here how we made the decision 3+ years ago to become parents.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

5 Month Old

We reached another month milestone yesterday with Owen reaching five months old. I've also been told that he is going through some of his biggest growth spurts and mental leaps of his little life right now which doesn't surprise me.

Owen Likes:
Toys that make noise
Football AND Basketball on tv
Men with beards
Little girls and boys
Playing with random objects vs toys (I.e. wipes package, paper roll, etc.)
Flying like superman in the air
Being worn in a carrier or ring sling
Baths and showers
Fish tanks
Music (all kinds)

Owen Dislikes:
When you won't let him stick your fingers in his mouth
Dad's sneezes
Naps on the weekend
Changing clothes or diapers

Owen is now passing toys between his hands and reaching for things when you are holding him. For example, at this month's relief society activity, Owen stuck his hand right in the middle of my plate in the hummus. He didn't try to eat it though.

We've decided to wait until six months to introduce solids into his diet. His first meal will be avocados. We're planning on doing homemade purees mixed with baby led weaning.

Teething is a mess. Quite literally as he constantly has drool running down his chin. I can see white under his gums on the bottom and nursing has become a lIttle uncomfortable. He wears the Amber teething necklace which really seems to help and I just made him some chamomile tea soaked wash cloths that are in the freezer now. He gets some hylands teething tablets every now and then when things get really bad.

This little guy can almost situp on his own but isn't there just yet. He loves dancing along with music. Also when he is on his stomach, he'll stretch out his legs and put his butt in the air on his tippy toes.

This past month's visitors:
Grandma Diana
Poppa Jim
Uncle Dane

Exciting news for mom and dad! Thanks to our little tax deduction, we are getting a substantial refund... enough to pay off all our debt except the house!!! Yippee! We've been working on this for about four years and have paid off just under $40k. I'm look forward to our birthday this month and hoping we can call Dave Ramsey for our debt free scream.