Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving Week with Uncle Les

Looking at the giraffes
Great picture with Uncle Les

He loved the aquariums!

We have a walker!

Stinkin' Cutie!
We were lucky enough to have Uncle Les, Uncle Dane, and Aunt Mary at the house for Thanksgiving this year and it was tons of fun. We watched way too much football in my opinion but we also dined on 2 turkeys, mashed potatoes, collards, stuffing, squash and zucchini, rolls, and cheesecake. It was delicious and we all had wonderful naps afterward.

On Black Friday, I did a little shopping to get Anthony some new clothes that fit and then we headed to the zoo which was great. The weather was mid-70s and Owen loved it and was really engaged in looking at the animals.

His Favorite Animals
- Giraffes
- Penguins
- Goats (he called them Bo which is his word for dog because Uncle Dane and Aunt Mary have a dog named Beau)
- Birds

Not So Favorite Animals
- Ant Eater
- Jaguar
- Lizards
- Monkeys

He was tired after the zoo and slept really well in the car.

Owen's 1st Birthday Party

While home for Ryan and Candice's wedding and enjoying the mini-high school reunion it created, we decided to let Diana do what she does best and we threw Owen's first birthday party at The Breakers in Fort Walton Beach. It was fun having Owen's first birthday party there because that is where Anthony and I married so it was kind of a neat experience.

Owen is extremely loved and we are so blessed. I tried to discourage gifts but friends, aunts, and grandparents don't listen to those types of things and Mr. Owen ended up happily spoiled and we are grateful for it. He hit the jackpot, too! With new clothes, a custom red wagon, balls, legos, a bike, a dump truck, puzzles, rattles, books, and so much more! Thank you so much to everyone that gave Owen a gift or came to the party.


I think he likes chocolate cake

He cleaned his plate and Aunt Annie cleaned him!
The weather was crummy but we did get to do some swimming for his pool party birthday and Owen love the food too which was funny because he has gotten so picky lately. He really enjoyed the chicken salad sandwiches and clearly the chocolate cake which I felt was the best decision for his gateway chocolate!

Guests at the party:
- Grandma Diana and Papa Jim
- Gi Judi and Papa Mark
- Grandpa Aho
- Wendy
- Uncle Les
- Aunt Annie
- Brittney and Jalyn
- The Drowns
- The Roses
- The Connellys
- The Duttons
- Dana Davis
- The Churches
- Diana Nguyen
- Darryl Lamar
- The Fretwells
- The Traftons

I can't believe how quickly that first year flew by. I'm so happy and blessed to have Owen in my life and I know that Anthony feels the same. We are both so proud of our son and we can't wait to see what incredible things he does in his life. He makes us so happy and we are truly enjoying life as parents.

Drs. Hidalgo

Isn't Candice stunning?

I couldn't be happier for them!!!
Mid-August 2015, two very dear friends of mine Candice Langdon and Ryan Hidalgo FINALLY tied the knot after dating nearly 10 years. I was so, so happy to be invited and able to participate in the celebration of their love. It was a beautiful ceremony and very intimate for a couple that has had such an impact on so many of their close friends.

In high school, Candice was the social planner for the entire IB group and really made me feel welcome as I was navigating the awkward social world of high school. I didn't quite fit into any one cliché so I appreciated her including me. Ryan and I swam together for Choctaw High School although he was always WAY faster than me... probably also because he was a sprinter and I was a distance swimmer. Anyway, at the wedding, I was one of the few people that was able to say that had shaved the groom's legs... Ok, so I was the only one that could claim that. So many great memories surround these two friends of mine and I look forward to watching their family grow throughout the years.

Congratulations Ryan and Candice on the beautiful life you two are starting together! I'm glad to have participated and I'm here to bolster you up if you need it.

Aunt Mandy's Visit

They are both Goofs!

I love them!!! Mandy is so beautiful!

Yay for Friends!!!
Mandy came to visit in August for her mom's birthday weekend and it was SO much fun to see her and introduce her to Owen. We don't get to chat as often as I'd like and I know that is my fault but I am so grateful to have her in my life. It is crazy how it can seem like nothing has changed or time has stood still when you are together with dear friends.

Oh, and we went to Sushi House of course! This was a frequent hang out when we were in college... about 5 years ago... where does the time go?

Pictures from July 2015

Playing with one of his best friends Amelia

His favorite peekaboo is in our laundry

Monday, September 14, 2015

Law of Chastity

Today's lesson in Relief Society was the law of chastity and as a feminist, I have a few things to say about it. In the LDS church, the law of chastity is set forth stating that no sexual relations should exist outside of the covenant of marriage. This is a pretty universal Christian approach that includes the commandment in the Old Testament, thou shalt not commit adultery along with saving your virtue for marriage including modest dressing and avoiding single dates so as to also avoid physical temptations (not scriptural).

Now that you have some background, I think some of modern feminism comes into conflict with these teachings and it upsets me. 

Sexual liberation is used to say that it is ok for women to have lots of different sexual partners because it is liberating and shows how even they are with men in today's society. Both of those notions really bother me. When you treat your body as though anything can enter it, it shows a lack of discretion, poor judgment, and a concern for safety without consideration of long term consequences. Men if they engage if unsafe sex or a one night stand are at worst leaving with an STD while a woman can end up pregnant and left with very poor options (this speaks nothing of committed relationships although they run equal risks because without the protection of marriage no one is held accountable).

The second part in the above statement about how women are equal to men if they are sexually liberated claims 1. That all men are sexually active and 2. That the male virtue is insignificant. Not all men are having sex because like women that choose not to have sex, they have weighed the pros and cons and/or have not found the right mate. I was always offended when my dad said that with a son you only have to worry about one dick but with a daughter you have to worry about all of them. This made me feel as if all men only cared about sex or like my brother's virginity mattered less which may have made him feel less valued or more inclined to have sexual relations. When you think or assume that all men think about or want is sex, it can make dating difficult because you are thinking, 'gee, I wonder when he's going to try to pressure me to have sex or leave me because I won't.' Male virginity is special and sacred but maybe because their genitals don't change (referring to the hymen) after first having intercourse, we don't treat it as the delicate flower that it is.

There is nothing liberating about a society that tells you that men have no control over their urges and that women are asking for it. Men have fought wars, hunted for food, invented modern conveniences, but can't control their sexual desire around a beautiful woman... Yeah, right. That gives them far less credit than they deserve and provides an excuse for rape, adultery, and a host of other law of chastity contrasting behavior. Slut shaming is wrong. I have not always dressed modestly and I'll be the first to admit that I liked the attention that I got. When I started hanging around Mormon men in high school, I realized that these young priesthood holders valued more than the skin I was showing and wanted to learn more about me. I had value, not just my breasts, legs, butt, etc. but my thoughts and feelings were valued and I was worth more adjectives than fat, skinny, tall, or short. It was there that I learned what kind of attention to seek because the guys that appreciated the skin I was showing had no interest in my hobbies, favorite classes, or real life. Little did I know that dressing immodestly was the opposite of liberating because I was seeking attention that objectofied my body and ignored my mind.

Sex is a precious thing that deserves nothing less than marriage. I was a virgin when i got married although I admit I was no perfect saint and probably let things go too far at times. Before our wedding, a handful of married and unmarried people came to us and encouraged us to have sex out of wedlock and condoned living together without being married in lieu of getting married. They cited age, worldly experience, and financial stability as reasons for us to delay marriage but somehow living together was fine. I was shocked and insulted by their assumptions that I only wanted Anthony as my husband for sex which trivialized marriage as a construct. How hurtful to say that virginity was not a prized possession for either of us and that we should just engage in sexual relations anyway because that had to be the only reason we would want to marry at ages 21 and 23. Our decision to marry had more to do with love, seeking stability, an eternal partner, and committing to have and raise children together at some point, and sure sex was a wonderful bonus but not the cause.

Sex is wonderful! It is fun and gentle and exciting and procreative (for some)! My partner has only been with me and I with him and that is really the most liberating because I know I can fully trust him and he is the best partner I have ever had. Sharing myself with him connects us on a level we share with no one else in this world and that is so incredibly beautiful.

I'm thankful for the law of chastity for showing me my value and keeping me pure for the only man who deserves it, my husband. I testify of the safety it can provide you and the blessings that you'll see from following it. Amen.

Monday, August 31, 2015

365 days

Oh what a year it has been! 365 days, 52 weeks, or 12 months, anyway you slice it Owen has reached his first birthday and I am now the mother of a one year old.  It is incredible to think how new and different things were and today, I can't remember my life without him.  Owen brings so much joy and fear and hope into our lives and although we admittedly have less sex, he has strengthened the love that Anthony and I have for one another.

I feel like everything I just said is super cliche or what you imagine people to say about their kids but it is true.  I was selfish before becoming a mother. I was insensitive before becoming a mother. I was type A before becoming a mother.  And now I am these things to a lesser degree but I have learned that i can love more than i ever realized was possible and that I want more than anything for my son to be happy. Children change you and it is good.

This first year brought an identity crisis for this new mother who wanted nothing more than to be a mom. I am still working to find a balance between wife, mother, Mormon, employee, etc. And wanting to be 100% at everything all at once. I've questioned my values and wondered about staying home vs working and things that I had thought were all figured out.

I am a super extrovert but I now understand what introverts mean when they say that they want space. I sometimes want to pee alone or shower alone or run to the store quickly. Wanting space is completely new and foreign to me but i now understand what AntHony has been taking about for the past seven years.

Watching someone grow reminds you of the worst and best parts of your childhood. Owen learns something new constantly. The other day, he conquered his fear of crawling through tunnels. He can sign for milk,  more,  and all done.  He says dada, momma, yum, no. He amazes me and I know he is the strongest,  smartest, and the best looking guy around because he is half of me and his father. He is the physical example of the love that Anthony and i share and that is so unreal.

Owen has 8 teeth and can crawl but isn't walking yet

Toys that make noise
Growling at the dogs

When the cell phone screen goes dark
Naps and bed time
Traffic while in the car
Sitting still
Walking (too much work)
Sitting quietly in restaurants


When you read this some day and think, "gee mom is crazy," remember always that I am crazy for you. Your first year was precious to me and I cherished every single stage and moment with you.  I don't want you to grow up too fast but i won't stop you either. You will do incredible things and I will always support you. I'm your number one fan and so excited for what is to come.

Love always,

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

10/11 months

How can time be flying so fast and my baby be learning and growing so quickly!?! This little goober is a mess. He's into everything and advancing so fast. It is wild to watch him change and grow before our eyes and I am so very blessed and proud to be Owen's mother. He's a great kid and Anthony loves the bond that they share as well.
He's trying to take steps but gets bored with it and resorts to crawling because he is faster at that.
Says "da da", "ma ma", "dough-gee" and "no"
Stands up and holding onto things
Opens drawers and cupboards
Bobs his head to music and shakes his arms to dance
Mimics expressions and hand signals
Signs more and milk
Drinks from a straw
Sleeping through the night (master at 10.5 months)
The Dogs
Swimming Pools
New tunnel from IKEA - finds it terrifying
Sitting still
Baby Gates
Power Plug Protectors (he plugs them out of the sockets... rendering them a waste of time and money)
Diaper changes/Clothes

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Intactivist Party of 1

(Note: I had a small editorial role. -Anthony)

Well, it appears that I'm in the minority among some of my friends, family, and the U.S. as a whole.  I may be close to alone. But Anthony and I stand together for Owen, because we want him to have choices and all the options available to him that life has to offer. That is why I am an Intactivist.
What is an Intactivist? An Intactivist is a supporter of a man's right to choose what is done with his penis in regards to circumcision and the foreskin.

I originally thought I would have a circumcised son because it was what I'd always known. Anthony, though, had heard vague but upsetting things and was hesitant, prompting me to educate myself. I am so glad I did, because I know I would have regrets today had I made a decision to have my son's genitals altered without his consent. It is not my choice or my body, and I don't want to harm my baby.
Here are some questions I have for people that support circumcision.
1. How can anyone be pro-choice and not be an Intactivist?
If you believe that a woman has the right to choose what is done with her body in regards to procreation or lack there of, can you not respect or demand the same for men. Female genital mutilation, or female circumcision, was just recently outlawed in Nigeria. Female circumcision in many areas of the world includes the removal of the clitoris or any external female genitals, which is equivalent to the foreskin.
2. Are we not born perfect?
Birth is an incredible experience (just see Owen's)! After something so incredibly miraculous, how could you hand over your perfect baby to be physically altered a few hours later?

This reminds me of a funny story, and you are reading my blog so I'm going to share it. I was in a very large formal wedding in St. Louis, MO when I was five years old.  Before the wedding, my grandma took me to get my hair done at a fancy salon while my brother was being circumcised for the 2nd time (because the foreskin grew back). When the ladies at the salon asked me about where my brother was, I responded sharply, "He's having his penis cut off right now."

My grandma was mortified and embarrassed, going on to explain to all the women about his circumcision, but I guess even then I sort of understood things, although it took research and a heart-to-heart with my partner to wrap my head around leaving our son intact. We are born perfect. Period.
3. Are we really so lazy or timid that we'll cut off parts of our children instead of teaching them healthy habits?
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that routine circumcision is not universally endorsed, but it is beneficial in reducing the spread of STDs, HIV/AIDs, etc. A foreskin does not lead to more disease or a greater spread of disease, unprotected sex and sex in a non-monogamous relationship lead to increased likelihood of the spread of STDs, HIV/AIDs, etc. The foreskin makes the penis more sensitive than a circumcised penis, so intact men are more likely to wear condoms than circumcised men, because intact men have better stimulation and an easier time reaching climax with a condom on. Bottom line: responsible sexual habits (here's hoping for abstinence!) prevent STDs, not circumcision.

Intact penises should be washed with water and treated like a finger (no retraction necessary) and when a baby becomes a man (teenage years), the foreskin will naturally retract so that the glans can be washed. Water only, no soap. That simple.
4. What aesthetics do genitals need?
It is odd to me how many people bring up looks when it comes to the foreskin. How bizarre that we have a notion or idea of how the penis should look, yet this area is considered 'privates.' I want my son to enjoy sex, being in a locker room, etc., but if someone else is commenting on the appearance of his genitals, then I have to wonder what is wrong with that person.

5. Why does a son's penis have to match his father's?
Someone told me, "your son's penis should match his dad's." WHAT? That's the craziest thing I have ever heard but believe it or not, I originally thought the same thing. I thought, I would hate for my son to feel like he looked different, but he is different. His life and experiences will be different from his dad's no matter what, so why not give him a choice?

I've also been asked how we'll explain to Owen why Anthony's penis is different when he's older. In about three seconds Anthony responded: "Well, buddy, when I was a baby, a lot of people thought a special kind of penis surgery was the best way to keep boys safe, but by the time you were born, we learned that most little boys are fine without it."

Now maybe my husband is smart, but I don't feel like that took too much thought. (Anthony also wanted me to note that there are far more significant ways his penis does not resemble a 10-month-old's.)

Don't take my word for it. Most of the above is opinion based but perhaps made you question things. Here are some places you can go to educate yourself more about the role of the foreskin, the history of circumcision, the circumcision surgery, etc.

The below video is incredibly eye opening (warning: it's also pretty graphic) and only 30 minutes long.

Links (Warning: Some of these people are extreme. I do not blame or have negative feelings toward anyone that has made a different decision than me, I simply want other parents or people to be educated because when I opened my eyes, it changed my perspective.):

Not Just Skin

Intact America

Mothers Against Circumcision

No Circ

Doctors Opposing Circumcision

No Harmm

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Crawling Stage

The first week of March Owen got his first two teeth. The first week of April,  he started crawling. Now he's sitting up on his knees and his top two teeth are peeking through and he made it to 8 months with 5 teeth.

He's growing fast and giving his sitters (and parents) a rough time. He's so adventurous but don't take dog food out of his hands.Owen has become like a blur and makes his mother extremely nervous about how fearless he is.  


Water and baths

Eating political ads

Laughing at work outs,  yawns,  and peekaboo


Stroller rides or being worn


Puffs,  bananas,  apples, avocados,  etc. 

Trying to drink independently from a cup

Being outside



Other kids your age and older


Being put in his pack and play

Having floor treasures he's found taken away

One o'clock church

Diaper changes

Mom or dad leaving


Sleeping alone

Sitting still

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Advice to Working Pumping Moms

I've been pumping for 6 months now and feel it is time I pass on some advice on things I have learned while nursing and working full time to help other moms... this or to help me if I decide to do this thing all over again at some point. ;)

Tools of the Trade

I breastfed because I am cheap. Breast milk is free. That being said, I would recommend you invest in: a really good electric pump, a manual pump, spare parts, a pumping bra, bottles, milk storage bags, and bottle brush.

Nursing Bra - Simple D-lite
Pump - Hygeia Enjoye (endorsed by LLL, too)
Manual Pump - Medela Harmony (this was ok)
Bottles - Avent Natural
Milk Storage Bags - Lansinoh
Breast Pads - Lansinoh

  • Talk with HR before you get back from maternity leave and clear the 'when' and 'where' of pumping. It will make your first day back easier.
  • Have something with you to help cause a let down. My pump has a recorder so I recorded the baby crying and it works. Other women bring a toy or something that smells like their baby. Looking at pictures helps too.
  • Pump multiple times a day (3 or more if you can and don't skip a session). The more your remove from your breast, the more you body makes.
  • Always travel with spare parts. At a minimum, I recommend stocking back ups of tubes, membranes, filters, and freezer bags.
  • Try different size flanges if things don't feel right and remember that your nipples may need different sizes.
  • Plan ahead to spend ahead. I'd say you should be ready to buy another pump after 6-7 months of almost daily use and the investment can get up to $200+ depending on what you use.

  • When buying bottles, look for bottles with the fewest amount of parts. The more parts your bottle has, the more time you have to spend washing them.
  • Your baby may not take a bottle with you around... so leave in the early weeks so someone can try feeding the baby. They will need to be patient.
  • Don't ever microwave breast milk. Very bad. My son takes his milk cold or room temperature  now. Fancy bottle warms seem to take forever so do what you can to reduce reliance on warm milk.
  • Make sure whoever feeds the baby (caretakers, dad, grandparents, etc.) knows about paced bottle feeding for the breastfed baby. Babies are not good at self regulating with a bottle because it is much easier than nursing at the breast and they will over eat if you let them.
  • Prefill bottles to send to the sitter or day care provider. I fill 4 bottles with 3 oz each and sometimes a little more if I had it available.
  • Babies need 1-1.5 oz of breast milk an hour on average. You can figure out how much to leave based upon that estimate. Then leave a little back up for the caretaker's freezer if they are ok with that.
  • Find a good slow flow nipple bottle and stick to it! Large gulps from bottles that flow to fast cause gas and your baby will also eat more. After a few months, replace nipples with the same flow.
Support on your breastfeeding journey
  • Let your significant other help with bottle washing, pump washing, packing up for the next day, etc. It will make your life easier and it feels good know that they are involved in the process of feeding your baby.
  • Reach out to LLL Leaders if you need help or have questions. Most of these women struggled themselves and it feels good to help other moms get past the hurdles.
  • There are some awesome Facebook groups: Working Pumping Moms, Working Moms Who Make Breastfeeding Work, etc. Join the conversation and look at their files section for links, tips, and tricks.

If you have any other questions about nursing and working full time, don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Parenting pains

It can be painful to be a parent. Owen has his two bottom teeth and occasionally when nursing will take bite on accident. Oops. He doesn't know what hew us doing but man does it hurt and basic human reaction is to get upset and make the hurt stop. So you stop nursing and baby cries and you get frustrated because you hurt and the baby that bit you is hungry and confused... It is a mess. It is a pain.

Bedsharing with your sweet child is wonderful but when he wakes up before you on a Saturday morning that is your one day to get some extra sleep, you try to ignore his rousing in hopes that he falls back asleep only to have him roll over and stick his fingers up your nose and kick his dad in the balls from which he came. Parenting again hurts.

Or maybe he learns that hitting your chest produces a faster letdown and adopts that as the new way to eat. Or maybe he thinks your grimace is funny when he pinches your neck or pulls your hair. Or maybe he wants to sewer just how loud he can scream while stuck in traffic in the backseat of your car. Our I guess you could even consider birth as painful although there is a transcendence in it that you can't explain where pain is exclaimed for love, anticipation, and excitement.

Stopping before reacting is good. Physical pain is difficult but the emotional pain is much greater. Watching your baby get hurt for the first time, never getting to take your baby home from the hospital, or learn that he has a birth defect and you can't fix it are examples of some other early pains. So as much physical pain as my son causes me, I'm grateful for him.

My son is young and no matter what pain he puts me through now, I promise myself to live in the moment because time is flying by too quickly and the pains to come may be greater. Today I spoke with women; one who had to send her son to rehab and another woman who had to kick her son out of the house where he'd be homeless and another who never even got to meet her son. These all seem traffic yet there is not much sadness in these women because that were able to know love and joy. Without their painful experiences, they'd never feel truly happy. So tonight, I am thankful for the pain although I gape he stops biting and goes to bed.

Monday, March 23, 2015

2 teeth in 2 weeks

Oh what a month March has been and it started with Owen getting not one tooth but two! He's growing so fast. Doing this crazy inch worm thing on the floor... on his way to crawling. Sitting up on his own. Talking... babbling muh muh. Signing for milk... or just mom. Eating solids... butternut squash, green beans, avocado, and banana. Blowing the air and on people. Hitting people for good. Trying to drink from mom's water cup. Pinching dad's neck and laughing at his jokes.

I just can't believe how fast he is growing and changing. How mobile and active he is and the personality that he is getting. Owen is shy with new people but loud with familiar faces. He wants all the attention. He has nightmares. He prefers playing with an empty hot tamales box to expensive rattles and such.

Owen likes...
Dad and Mom
Feeding himself
Splashing in the bathtub
Being outdoors

Owen dislikes...
Sitting still
Diaper changes