It was a perfect Christmas. It was just the three of us and it was heavenly. We slept in, ate a great breakfast, unwrapped presents, went to the JCA pool, and returned home for nap time and dinner. If we don't create any grand traditions for you Owen, I want you to know that the most important thing about Christmas is being with the people you love most. We love you so much.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Thumb Sucker
Owen has recently found his thumb. The relationship has become exclusive. He can now self soothe in the car and when stressed. Owen is officially a thumb sucker.
Monday, November 17, 2014
11 Weeks
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
I'm Granola
I knew I didn't want to give birth in a hospital. They creep me out and I've never been hospitalized so I didn't want my first childbirth experience governed by rules and in a place of sickness. I have control issues and the idea that I wouldn't have certain choices in a hospital really turned me off. At home I could control everything down to the thermostat and I felt like that would make me feel more secure during a very vulnerable time.
This was harder than child birth for me. I thought it was going to be easy and magical and it wasn't. Nursing a baby is frustrating because you are both learning and waiting for milk to come in and he's figuring out how to eat and poo... It's tough but it is amazing when you get the hang of it. I feel closer to Owen and felt less post partum depression. It is also 100% free. I still find new frustrations such as public ridicule and stares (while wearing a cape even) but I know I'm doing the best thing possible for Owen and that's what matters.
I thank the women in my life for introducing me to this (in particular Wendy, Elaina, Myra, Sarah, Sharline). Owen loves to be worn and it gives me free hands for shopping, checking the mail, typing at work, going out to eat, running to a plane, waiting at TSA, voting, etc. When Owen is particularly fussy, Anthony or I can stick him in one of our carriers, we currently have four, and he'll calm down, fall asleep, or be easier to nurse. Babies need warmth, love the smell of their parents, and hearing their heartbeats which a carrier allows them to do while freeing up the caregivers arms. I can go on and on about how awesome this is but I recommend you try it for yourself.
10 Weeks
Owen can reach for toys above him and gets really excited when he hits them. He uses his right hand more than left which leads me to believe the he may be right handed.
Owen still hates it but he is getting a little better in the car since mommy tinted her windows for him.
He is a babbling fool... which may me he takes after me although I've caught Anthony talking to himself.
Owen's been going to the sitter for two weeks and had been really snuggly at night which I love. After nursing, he'll stop, look up at me and smile.
He loves being worn and it is an easy way to put him to sleep.
Owen's wearing size six months pjs and pants because of his height. It has been hard putting away his small clothes.
He has also released that he can pee in his bath and he really seems to like that.
For a while, you take care of your baby with no real thanks of your time and energy but lucky for us, Owen started smiling at about 5 weeks which makes the late nights, sacrifices for them do much easier. Here are some of my favorite smile pictures.
Owen's Blessing Weekend
Halloween weekend was Marianna High School's Homecoming, GA/FL weekend, and Owen's blessing weekend. To say the weekend was busy would be an understatement and to add to it, I scheduled Owen's newborn pictures for that Saturday.
Halloween was also Owen's first set of shots/vaccines (the first of many) and his two month appointment. He weighed 11 lbs 12 oz and was 24 inches long. That put him in the 30th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height... are you really my baby?
When mom, Les, and Jim arrived, they were all surprised by his size but probably the coolest thing was how Owen smiled at my mom when he saw her. Owen hasn't seen mom since he was born but it was as if he immediately recognized her. We all went to dinner at Bonefish Grill and it was just a great night.
The Gators won against GA which no one expected and we took pictures. For the pictures, Owen wouldn't sleep or sit still. I wanted some cute pictures of baby Owen in a basket wrapped up with muslin but he leaped out like a frog, refused to sleep, and simply wanted to cuddle. Diane was so awesome and patient with him.
I don't think Anthony and I have ever been happier. It was a very special day for us and Anthony was getting to the share the priesthood with his son and family which was so surreal. It was fast and testimony meeting too which sometimes makes me nervous because you never know what people are going to say but it went off without a hitch. Anthony and I got up and shared our testimonies too. His made my mom cry with his short, sincere, and warm testimony.
After the blessing, we had family back at the house for breakfast casserole, fruits, muffins, etc. It was great getting to take pictures and just visit but as usual, the time was just too short.
Blessing Attendees
Blessing Circle
Garrett Smith
Sunday, October 26, 2014
He's 8 Weeks Already!
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Owen dresses up for church |
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Owen started smiling in CA about 6 weeks old |
Boobies (food)
Creepy Music (anything with someone dying in it...we don't get it either)
Babywearing (MOBY Wrap, homemade ring sling, Tula, etc.)
Standing (with Assistance)
Punching Things (things he likes, things he doesn't, the air...he's not picky)
Car Rides
Dad's Sneeze
Heavy Doors
Being on His Back
Waking up in a Different Place than Where He Fell Asleep
Making Bowel Movements (still learning that)
Witching Hours (9–11 p.m. ish)
[Owen added input here. It was unintelligible.]
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We're working on his aggression. |
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His first holiday will be Halloween |
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Traveled to CA at 4 weeks |
Grandpa Allen & Satomi
Grandpa Aho
Uncles—Dane, Les, & Bill
Aunt Annie
Great Aunts—Janet, Julie, Kim, Beth, Portia, & Melanie
Great Uncles—Scott, Other Scott, Monte, Pete, Joe, & Bryan
Cousins—Amber, Trent, Donnie, Emily, Eliza, Noah, Abby, Caleb, Matthew, Sage, & Jacob
Friends—Betsy, Sharline, Suzy, Emily, Elizabeth, Myra, Tasha, Amanda, Dalia, & many more
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Owen's Birth Story
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Photo Credit: Midwife Bree :) |
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The first glimpse of our BOY |
First family photo. Ignore the exhaustion and horrible camera angle |
Owen Hiram |