This should come as no surprise but I'll post it to make things official. I'm granola. Crunchy. Hippie. You probably already guessed that from me giving birth at home but I've adopted attachment parenting and babywearing and breastfeeding and Dr. Sears and so on.
I like the natural approach to child-rearing. If it is natural, feels natural, or comes instinctively then i go with it. This can be very contradictory to the way others raise their children and can bring out vigorous debate on who is right and who is wrong and that isn't my goal here. There is no right or wrong because my child is not your child and you and I are not the same either which means our situations may necessitate different methods of parenting.
I don't have advice for new parents. They won't have their minds made up on some things until after their bundle of joy arrives but I wish new parents well on their journeys.
Home Birth
I knew I didn't want to give birth in a hospital. They creep me out and I've never been hospitalized so I didn't want my first childbirth experience governed by rules and in a place of sickness. I have control issues and the idea that I wouldn't have certain choices in a hospital really turned me off. At home I could control everything down to the thermostat and I felt like that would make me feel more secure during a very vulnerable time.
I knew I didn't want to give birth in a hospital. They creep me out and I've never been hospitalized so I didn't want my first childbirth experience governed by rules and in a place of sickness. I have control issues and the idea that I wouldn't have certain choices in a hospital really turned me off. At home I could control everything down to the thermostat and I felt like that would make me feel more secure during a very vulnerable time.
This was harder than child birth for me. I thought it was going to be easy and magical and it wasn't. Nursing a baby is frustrating because you are both learning and waiting for milk to come in and he's figuring out how to eat and poo... It's tough but it is amazing when you get the hang of it. I feel closer to Owen and felt less post partum depression. It is also 100% free. I still find new frustrations such as public ridicule and stares (while wearing a cape even) but I know I'm doing the best thing possible for Owen and that's what matters.
This was harder than child birth for me. I thought it was going to be easy and magical and it wasn't. Nursing a baby is frustrating because you are both learning and waiting for milk to come in and he's figuring out how to eat and poo... It's tough but it is amazing when you get the hang of it. I feel closer to Owen and felt less post partum depression. It is also 100% free. I still find new frustrations such as public ridicule and stares (while wearing a cape even) but I know I'm doing the best thing possible for Owen and that's what matters.
For issues with breastfeeding, I highly encourage you to talk to or meet with your local la leche league leaders. They have been a wonderful resource for me.
I thank the women in my life for introducing me to this (in particular Wendy, Elaina, Myra, Sarah, Sharline). Owen loves to be worn and it gives me free hands for shopping, checking the mail, typing at work, going out to eat, running to a plane, waiting at TSA, voting, etc. When Owen is particularly fussy, Anthony or I can stick him in one of our carriers, we currently have four, and he'll calm down, fall asleep, or be easier to nurse. Babies need warmth, love the smell of their parents, and hearing their heartbeats which a carrier allows them to do while freeing up the caregivers arms. I can go on and on about how awesome this is but I recommend you try it for yourself.
I thank the women in my life for introducing me to this (in particular Wendy, Elaina, Myra, Sarah, Sharline). Owen loves to be worn and it gives me free hands for shopping, checking the mail, typing at work, going out to eat, running to a plane, waiting at TSA, voting, etc. When Owen is particularly fussy, Anthony or I can stick him in one of our carriers, we currently have four, and he'll calm down, fall asleep, or be easier to nurse. Babies need warmth, love the smell of their parents, and hearing their heartbeats which a carrier allows them to do while freeing up the caregivers arms. I can go on and on about how awesome this is but I recommend you try it for yourself.
We have a Tula, bjorn, Moby, and ring sling.
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