I'll be honest, I have been working on this post forever. For hours and days and weeks BUT then it hit me. This post won't mean much if I don't publish it for the world to see. So here it is, something so extremely personal and dear to me: the sealing to my husband in the Sacramento Temple for all eternity. This is the day we became an eternal family.
I was REAL happy! |
Wendy has always asked me questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints and has made me feel comfortable talking about it. Sometimes you feel like people attack you about the Church of Jesus Christ because they don't understand things, and it makes it hard to share one of the most specials things in my life. I appreciate her honesty and kindness and knowing that she was going to be in CA asked her to come on up to Sacramento if she could. She has been such a blessing and so supportive in my life. |
Mom didn't get to go in with us but she knows why it is so special. There were definitely a few tears. She believes that families can be together forever and I think she appreciates the fairy tale that Anthony has given me. Even though my dad wasn't able to fly out and join us, he called us the night before to share with Anthony and I how proud he is of us. |

To start, I've never been one to believe in fairy tales, especially coming from a family of divorce. After an experience like that you tend to doubt the idea of a happily ever after, as if it were just a hoax or something rare that never really happens. Until high school I really felt that way and because my parents argued about my money and I knew I couldn't fix that family, I threw myself into schooling and extra curricular activities to ensure that when I got to a good college, so I could get a solid degree and make more money than my parents did. My dad graduated high school and my mom graduated with her AA so in my immediate family, my graduation from college was a big deal, not just because I was graduating, but because I was sharing graduation with someone special that I really cared about and even loved.
3 Generations |
It was so special having Emily and Jordan there. |
She has been such a great example and blessing in my life. I do miss those days of high school dances, Young Women Activities on Wednesday Nights, and Girls Camp in the summer times. |
Anthony and I met in February 2008 during Sigma Chi's Derby Days where his fraternity was raising money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. I thought Anthony was cute with those curly locks and drop dead blue eyes and felt very bold that night so I asked him for his number and we quickly found lots to talk about, being from the same area code and then learning that we had the same birthday that month. Friendship turned to romance and love; we were the perfect college sweethearts. We knew very soon we would end up married and we never had issues trusting each other or sharing our goals and dreams with each other. So when graduation in Spring of 2010, we merged our families for the first time in a great time. Our wedding in December of 2010 cemented it and we were husband and wife.
Cousin Josh and his wife Chloe (pregnant in this picture) were endowed and sealed in this temple too. Our Temple Ceremonies were their first trip back so that was pretty cool. |
Great picture of Uncle Joe and Aunt Beth (they even let us use their house for our reception after the Temple) |
From that synopsis of our relationship, you'd think this would end our happily ever but fairy tales really do come true. I believe that families can be joined together forever. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the sacred ceremony performed for families, called a sealing, takes place in a temple and the requirements for entry are very high. In order to receive a recommendation from your Bishop and Stake Counselors, anyone wishing to enter the temple will need to do the following:
- Have a Testimony of Jesus Christ and the Atonement
- Be Baptized for at least 1 year
- Be Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Regularly attend church meetings on Sundays
- Follow the Word of Wisdom
- Practicing the Law of Chasity
- Pay a full tithe
- Males need to hold the Melchizedek Priesthood
My parents are both so impressed by Anthony |
The bouquet mom got me |
After doing ALL of the things on the list above and truly being able to testify of the blessings that we knew were in store for us and our marriage after going to the temple, we scheduled our endowments and sealing. The temple ceremonies are sacred and requirements for entry are very specific, so we decided to share this day and experience with the members of my family that could go and participate with us in them. We tried not to make a big deal about the sealing because we didn't want anyone that wouldn't be able to go inside feel left out. Some of the guests (my mom, grandpa and stepmom) that are in our pictures were not able to go into the temple but because they understood the blessings of the temple and what it meant to us, they sat outside and waited.
Probably one of my favorites of the two of us |
April 14, 2012 was a long day and our last day in California but we were so ready and excited for everything. We arrived early and spent most of the day indoors. After the endowment and sealing ceremonies, we took pictures around the temple to remember the special day and then headed to my Uncle Joe and Aunt Beth's for lunch. It was a great day.
My wedding dress was found a purchased with no help from family or friends because Anthony and I got engaged in September 2010 and married in December 2010, so I felt I missed out on that experience. My Aunt Janet has a friend that is part owner of a bridal store; this dress was found and purchased with my mom, grandma, Aunt Janet, and cousin Sage. |
This just about sums up our playfulness - even after a year of marriage but then again we aren't old married folks until the babies come. Don't worry... someday! :) |
The first time I saw this temple almost 5 years ago, I never would have imagined that my husband and I would receive our endowments and get sealed here. |
This picture was Anthony's idea and came out beautifully! |
April 14, 2012 was a long day and our last day in California but we were so ready and excited for everything. We arrived early and spent most of the day indoors. After the endowment and sealing ceremonies, we took pictures around the temple to remember the special day and then headed to my Uncle Joe and Aunt Beth's for lunch. It was a great day.
Great shot with the full Temple in it |
Since then we've gone back to the Temple in Orlando once but plan to go often. When we are in the temple, we feel strengthened in our testimonies and marriage. We draw closer each time we enter the House of the Lord and it amazes me what is revealed upon each new return. Anthony is such a wise man and the connection that he has with God and his testimony in Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us is wonderful. He impresses me each day and I love watching him grow. He is a selfless man and makes me a better person in so many ways. I would be lost without him and I'd like to think he needs me too.
It was my idea to get a picture with the sign but unfortunately the April Showers hadn't quite delivered those May Flowers yet. Still a nice photo. |
Amber not only entertained us and kicked our butts when we were in CA but she also took all of these pictures for us and did my hair. Her daughters taught Anthony Just Dance and Amber took us to her BodyPump™ class. |
I owe Jen the world! She has taught me a lot and showed me the true value of what I believe in and the blessings of the temple so it was only appropriate that she be with us when we went through the temple. I have also promised to be there for her when she gets sealed in the temple. |
Special thanks to Amber, Julie, Janet, Joe, Beth, and everyone that traveled to show your support!