We had our second home birth last week and were happily surprised to welcome a beautiful baby girl!!! All of the wives tales had been right with both my kids which you can see explained in the blog post here. But anyway... on to the birth story!
Last Pregnant pic! |
He didn't care I was 1 day over my Due Date. He wanted CANDY! |
At 40 weeks and 2 days, after 2.5 hours of trick or treating with my 3 year old, a great chiropractic adjustment, and a bloody show (on Halloween no less), we had a fast and furious birth on November 1, 2017. After returning from trick or treating and visiting with my mom who came over on Halloween day, I hit the hay around 11 p.m. with pressure waves that felt inconsistent but at 1:30 a.m. I wasn't able to sleep through or nap between pressure waves any more so I got up and into our big tub. Anthony joined me and let my mom know what was going on. Around 2 a.m./2:30 a.m. we reached out to a friend and the midwife to let them know the pressure waves were getting more intense and consistent. This definitely didn't feel like giving birth to Owen which I spent much of birth comparing it to.

My midwife Sharon arrived with her birth assistant Heather at around 3 a.m. and checked me but I have a rule where I don't like to know my dilation number. I later learned that at this first check, I was 3 cm dialated, 90% effaced, and +1; Sharon told mom that if I was a first time mom, she probably would have left but she could tell things were going to move quickly. Things progressed rapidly and I was kicking myself throughout labor for not making Hypnobabies practice a bigger priority because I could not stay in the zone but the recordings did help me stay more positive.
WARNING: Birth is not as dramatic as the movies |
Probably around transformation, I was being loud and my mother shushed me... I snapped at her, "Don't tell me what to do!" and continued in my birthing. Poor mom just didn't want Owen to wake up but he slept through the ENTIRE thing... in the moment I didn't care if he woke up, I was doing what I had to do to get that baby out. I also may have cursed and hit the side of the tub with my fist at one point... like I said, getting that baby out. I also might have said that this was our last baby and we were done at one point too... the same birth as a Owen's 18 hours condensed into MUCH less time; it felt like things were taking forever but it was actually all happening very fast.
At around 5:50 a.m., I asked Sharon if I could push and she said, "of course, if you are feeling the urge to, then by all means. Listen to my body." So they gloved up and came to the side of the tub. Anthony is in EMT school so when I started pushing, Sharon asked if he'd like to catch our baby and he did. (Ironically enough, the November 1st lesson at school was on Obstetrics.) My mom held my hand as my midwife walked Anthony through 'catching' and I paced my pushing with my contractions. I felt like an expert pusher this time because with Owen, I was so clueless on how to push and it took about 45 minutes to get him out. That may seem dumb to most but you are using a muscle that you never have before in your first birth so it takes some learning/training.
When Anthony placed her in my arms and we saw she was A GIRL |
The cord was wrapped around her neck once and Sharon unlooped it as Anthony was catching her. At 6:01 a.m., Anthony placed a baby girl up on my chest. Always the best surprise finding out what you've been carrying! She wasn't at all what I'd pictured but birth really is the ultimate best blind date.
Amelia weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 21 inches long and she was a great nurser from first latch on. She was so calm and peaceful and with a TON of dark hair.
When big brother woke up, we asked him if he wanted to meet his sister
and he said, "no, I want Halloween candy." A perfect response from a 3
year old big brother.ther woke up, we asked him if he wanted to meet his
sister and he said, "no, I want Halloween candy." A perfect response
from a 3 year old big brother who has since asked a lot of questions about her.
Owen wanted to do skin-to-skin like dad. |
None of our
girl names worked for her and we went back to the drawing board. Owen suggested we name her Baby, Minion, or Mary Scarlett but we didn't feel those fit her either. I found Emelia as a middle name on Dickie's side of the family but then when talking to Judi was reminded that Anthony had a Great Great Aunt Amelia Landi and the Marie is my middle name (and my mom's and my grandma's and so on) but it is also found in the Italian side which is the only explanation we have for all her hair. :)
Midwife & Friend Sharon |
Mom and Doula |