Bennett Buzz
Monday, February 4, 2019
Owen being big brother
This year has been wonderful watching their relationship. Amelia thinks Owen is hilarious and he loves showing off for her! He wanted to play with at my mom's house so he brought his Christmas present Paw Patrol toys over to Amelia and laid them all out for her and then went to play his puzzle. It was so sweet that he went through the trouble and shared something he finds to be such a treasure with her.
The other night, we had the sister missionaries over for dinner and all of Amelia's sippy cups were in the dishwasher so she had a cup with a straw on the dinner table. When we weren't looking, Owen noticed that Amelia was thirsty and held the drink up for her so she could sip. He was so paitent with her as she drank from the cup. It was truly touching and unrehearsed and definitely not something we asked him to do. I am so proud of him and wanted to have in written down.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Owen Adjusting to Sister
- The day after Halloween is not the easiest time to get a bew sibling... candy high kiddo...
- His new fav movie is Pocahontas and it is perhaps Disney's least PC movie. Ugh!
- Owen tells Amelia, "hi sweet boy (then girl when I correct him)." He likes 'booping' her nose with his finger and holding her hand.
- Before Amelia's belly button's swelling went down, Owen was calling it 'her penis' so I had to explain that Amelia is a girl and doesn't have one... haha
- Right after she was born, Owen would ask me. "Why is she biting your nipples?" He weaned a yard and a half ago but clearly doesn't remember nursing.
Birth of Amelia Marie
My midwife Sharon arrived with her birth assistant Heather at around 3 a.m. and checked me but I have a rule where I don't like to know my dilation number. I later learned that at this first check, I was 3 cm dialated, 90% effaced, and +1; Sharon told mom that if I was a first time mom, she probably would have left but she could tell things were going to move quickly. Things progressed rapidly and I was kicking myself throughout labor for not making Hypnobabies practice a bigger priority because I could not stay in the zone but the recordings did help me stay more positive.
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WARNING: Birth is not as dramatic as the movies |
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When Anthony placed her in my arms and we saw she was A GIRL |
The cord was wrapped around her neck once and Sharon unlooped it as Anthony was catching her. At 6:01 a.m., Anthony placed a baby girl up on my chest. Always the best surprise finding out what you've been carrying! She wasn't at all what I'd pictured but birth really is the ultimate best blind date.
Amelia weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 21 inches long and she was a great nurser from first latch on. She was so calm and peaceful and with a TON of dark hair.
When big brother woke up, we asked him if he wanted to meet his sister and he said, "no, I want Halloween candy." A perfect response from a 3 year old big brother.ther woke up, we asked him if he wanted to meet his sister and he said, "no, I want Halloween candy." A perfect response from a 3 year old big brother who has since asked a lot of questions about her.
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Owen wanted to do skin-to-skin like dad. |
None of our girl names worked for her and we went back to the drawing board. Owen suggested we name her Baby, Minion, or Mary Scarlett but we didn't feel those fit her either. I found Emelia as a middle name on Dickie's side of the family but then when talking to Judi was reminded that Anthony had a Great Great Aunt Amelia Landi and the Marie is my middle name (and my mom's and my grandma's and so on) but it is also found in the Italian side which is the only explanation we have for all her hair. :)
Midwife & Friend Sharon |
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Mom and Doula |
Friday, June 23, 2017
I hope I don't forget
How Owen pronounces th as f sounds.
How he calls blankets blanklees.
How he can't say ninja turtles but says enja turtles.
How he prays for football at dinner.
How he confuses his pronouns, "pick you my up."
A light can only be turned off and a door can only be closed.
How everything with an American flag or even just an American flag are Captain America.
How perceptive he is about little things.
How he insists that shoesare the wrong feet are right if that's how he wanted to wear them.
How a red tank top, green plaid shorts, white socks, and open toed sandals seem to make an outfit.
How if he wants water in the green cup, he asks for "green water."
How he tells me that I have 4 babies in my belly.
How he asks if mommy or daddy is kicking when he feels the baby.
How he dances with one elbow very high in the air.
Almost 3, and I'm sure 3, will be tough but he's a good kid.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Hurricane Matthew
So we closed on our house, spent one night there and then got the road to evacuate from Hurricane Matthew. Surrounded by beautiful BIG oak trees and with no way to check on the house (I was in Fort Walton Beach and Anthony was at Baker County Firehouse), we waited out the storm and hoped for the best.
Luckily, we received very little damage and on Monday when I called Anthony to ask about power at the house, he confirmed it was on told me to head home. I came home and enjoyed that power for a few hours before the power was cut off by
It had been in the back of my mind for quite a while. Our house in Bentley Woods was small and we were going to outgrow it if we had a second kid. So when the mortgage rates were low and the equity was high we jumped in the market and found a new house. Anthony was much more cautious and hesitant which was smart of him. With a little coaxing, he got on board.
We absolutely love our new house and we only started shopping after finding another one in our ward with a pool and near Pickwick Park. That house was next to two houses on the river, too. By the time we contacted our realtor though, the house was already under contract with another buyer. We put an offer in on Longview and had it in escrow within 24 hours, so we listed our house right away.
With great staging and 14 showings in 4-5 days, we got two offers and we were able to close for full asking price. It worked out perfectly and from offer on Longview to close, it was about 60 days.
Things Toddlers Say
Owen is 2.5 and 31.5 lbs, 37.5 inches tall, and has a head circumference in the 95th percentile. Two has been an interesting age. Owen is constantly testing boundaries, asking questions, and forming his own opinion.
Funny things he has said:
"Jesus loves all the children everywhere in the world."
When asked what his favorite ice cream flavor is, he responded, "Black." After giggling, we were able to determine that black ice cream is chocolate.
On our cruise in January 2017, Owen began calling us by our first names. He also told me, "you're not in charge, mommy" and "spank daddy. He's a bad boy."
His prayers consist of thanking the lord for his food (even at bedtime), listing family members and friends, and then ending with, "Jesus name, amen."
Anthony was giving me a blessing after we moved into the new house and I was sitting on the floor. Owen was there too and came up and put his little hands on top of Anthony's. It was very precious.